Thursday, March 20, 2014

Project 3 Proposal

My literacy narrative will be about the time I was told, "someone like you will never get anywhere in life," because I was an immigrant with a heavy accent in a predominately White institution. As a result, I resorted to writing and jewelry making as a way to tell my story. I first started out with small poems, and basic rubber band bracelets. But as my poems matured, so did my jewelry, and I began to pair up poems with different types of jewelry pieces. Now, I have noticed the stages of my life through my writing and my jewelry.

Sequence I wish to use:
1. What my teacher told me
2. Dealing with it by writing
3. Making Jewelry to fight off my anger
4. Developing more mature poems
5. Jewelry getting more complex
6. Performing Spoken word
7. Matching my jewelry pieces with the themes in my poetry
8. Shaping my identity as an artist

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