Thursday, February 27, 2014

Webtext Organizing

Analyzing Marcus’s Web Text portal, I enjoyed seeing the black background and the solid white text. The most effective part of his outlet is that the text is at a great size that doesn’t stress me out when I see it. I also like that he includes a box with an image in every section, and is consistent. I would have probably liked to see more visuals, because I think that I understand things better when I see photos and motions. The alignment and arrangement were cohesive, and the use of the same tab bar in every page looks very professional.

Looking at Shannon’s webpage, I like her coding, and when I click on the Webtext Analysis tab, it directs me to an entirely new page. While the page has a similar feel to that of Marcus’s, I feel that the colors he sticked to and the font style and size are more effective. I like that Shannon had all of her webtexts on the same page, as it makes it easier to compare and contrast one another. In looking at the placement of objects, I am not sure about the color she used for her “Project 2: Multimodal Analyses of Webtext” title.  I would have liked to see her webtext analysis stay in the same format as her website, as it was very original and stylistic.

Ali’s analysis and set up is by far my favorite. I think that the use of color and text adds to the emphasis of recycling. When I click on the tabs, there is a sense of cohesion because each element is highlighted through the arrows, and explained. For example, the summary at the top of each page sets the precedence for what the rest of the project will look like.

For my project, I hope to maintain the layout on my website, but try to use the space as Ali did to explain the visuals. The reason why I want to maintain my website is because it has the dark background, like that of Marcus’s, and I see it as very effective. Something else to think about is if I want to take some screenshots of different parts of the videos I am analyzing, or just have the video up for people to watch, and hope that they can remember what scenes I talk about when. 

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